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How to Make a Hiking Date Romantic

Whether you are going on a first date, fourth date, or 10,999th date (Jeff & I are probably near this number after being together for 9 years!!), a hiking date is ALWAYS a good idea. But there are definitely some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind so that your hiking date is fun and romantic and not a rough experience for everyone, haha!

hiking date

Do: Wear Appropriate Hiking Attire

Yes, I understand it’s a date. Yes, I understand you want to look cute. BUT, I also know that trying to look to over the top and wearing uncomfortable clothes will just make you 1) miserable and 2) look WAY out of place. Where what you feel good in and what is comfortable for moving around in for extended periods of time. My suggestion? Leggings, you seriously can’t go wrong.

Don’t: Forget to Check the Weather

This is an important one. You need to be aware of your surroundings and what is gong on weather-wise. It may LOOK like it is going to be a perfect, mildly sunny day, but there could very well be dangerous storms brewing for later in the day. Check the weather early on in the day so that you can either A) more the hiking date to a different day or B) switch things up and choose an indoor date option instead!

Do: Pack Plenty of Water and Snacks

Being prepared on the trails is always important, and what is more romantic than a hiking date turned private picnic? Find out what types of snacks the other individual may like and bring those along with you. This doesn’t have to be planned out, but by being prepared in case the date is going well, you will be able to extend you time out in nature and not have to rush back due to hunger! Also, water is an obvious must but I felt it needed to be said.

Don’t: Assume Just Because You Love Hiking that Your Date Will

THIS is such an important one. Before you go on the hiking date, you need to make sure both individuals WANT to go. Now I get it, if hiking is as big a part of your life as it is mine, whoever you may be going on a date with will have to learn to love it, but it might not be the BEST first date option. Talk with them, see whether they’re down for the adventure (& hopefully they are), and then plan the date together!

Do: Tell a Friend Where You Will Be

Whether this is your first date or you are married, letting a friend or two know where you will be is for safety purposes. You never know what could happen while you are out exploring and it is important that you make sure that other individuals (other than the two of you on the date) are aware of your whereabouts. Storms, animal encounters, taking the wrong path and getting lost, etc. are all real things, yes, hiking is AMAZING and generally VERY safe, but it is important to take precaution.

Don’t: Make Fun of Your Date’s Hiking Ability

You may THINK it is all in good fun, but you could genuinely hurt someone’s feelings or damage their self-esteem. Nature and the outdoors welcomes EVERYONE, regardless of their hiking abilities, and so should you! As long as you both are enjoying yourself and having a good time, who cares if it may take them a bit longer to get up a big hill or that they may need to stop to catch their breath a time or two? Be considerate. You’ll enjoy yourself so much more as well.

Do: Unplug

Yes, taking pictures with your phone here and there is totally okay (and I even encourage it because nature is extremely beautiful), but please please PLEASE do NOT be tied to your phone the entire time you are out hiking. First off, that is no fun for your date. No one wants to be around someone who pays more attention to their phone than to them. And secondly, you are out in nature to enjoy the outdoors. Unplug, breathe it in, experience it!

Don’t: Leave a Trace

Okay, okay, I KNOW this doesn’t REALLY have to do with making a hiking date romantic, but as you guys know, if I’m talking about hiking I’m going to at least have to throw in there SOMETHING about my passion for the Leave No Trace Principles. And really guys, if your date isn’t following these, you may want to consider teaching them a thing or two! Spreading awareness of the importance of Leave No Trace is key.

Do: Pick a Romantic Time of Day

Honestly, any time of day is wonderful for being in the outdoors. But if you are really looking to take your date to a whole new level of romance, pick either early morning or early evening. This way you will be able to catch the sunrise or sunset. Those views are unmatched and it’s always a special moment to share with someone!

hiking date sunset

So there you have it.. my top tips for a romantic hiking date!

Are there any you would add? Have you ever been on a hiking date? I’d love to hear about it! Comment below and share with me!
