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The “Leave No Trace” Approach

The Leave No Trace approach has been on my mind, daily, over the past few weeks. 

Ever since this Covid-19 outbreak quarantined the majority of the world, so many people have been struggling with finding normalcy. This is a completely understandable feeling. I respect each individual’s emotions, approach, and untimely despair. 

What I don’t understand is how some people can use this time of crisis to act irresponsibly and treat our beautiful planet and mother nature like garbage. 

April 4, 2020 was my first real encounter of the disrespect going on in the beautiful woods and trails that I love and adore. I would like to re-share my thoughts from that day.

“My heart broke a little bit for humanity today.

Yesterday I spoke on manifesting only positivity for this unknown future. I spoke about taking care of your mind, body, soul, and overall self care.

The response I got from this amazing community was overwhelming and compassionate.

Today is a different day and my heart breaks for the human race.

Today was the first day in over a week that I was brave enough to venture out and into the woods for a hike. Our state still allows people to head outside, get fresh air, and work on our self care.

I hike in a, basically, private park that has over 1,110 acres of private trails. Since January 2nd of this year, I have walked these trails almost every single day. They bring me so much happiness and have helped motivate and continue this uphill health journey I have embarked on.

These trails have brought so much joy into my life and have made me an overall better person – until today.

Today I walked the same private trails and was absolutely enraged and heart broken by all the trash that was left behind. I kid you not – gloves, multiple USED dog poop bags, sanitizer wipes, cottage cheese containers, salt packets, YOU NAME IT – were left and discarded in a place I appreciate and love. I mean… cottage cheese containers – really?

Why, after several weeks of isolation, quarantine, and uncertainty of normalcy are we still treating this earth like a giant garbage bag? Have we not learned enough during this time of chaos and sadness?

What broke me even more was the fact that I wasn’t prepared, safety wise, to be able to pick up the trash and properly discard the waste. I had to walk away, turn the other cheek, and act like what I had seen was okay. That’s not normally my personality and it crushed my soul.

I normally don’t rant on social media – but I truly think we can do better as an entire population.

Please join with me to do our part in making this world, earth, America, your state, your house, etc a safer and better space.

I will continue to empower women to live their best outdoors lives, and hope that everyone will do their part to leave no trace, and live to see a better day!


That was a tough day for me. I am not a publicly taboo or political person, but something about the piles of waste left behind caused me to reach a breaking point.

I very rarely talk about politics, religion, race, or other triggering subjects. This is my prerogative and I will continue to pick and choose when to share my opinions. 

Today is one of those days.  

The ignorance of so many individuals is disheartening. Our climate change has become a major issue, and so many people, politically, are looking the other way and prioritizing incorrectly and selfishly; Covid-19 aside. 

Each one of us can make a difference and play our part when the time comes. 

Here are a few, very simple principles of the leave no trace approach to follow when partaking in outdoor activity:

  1. Plan Ahead and Prepare
  2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
  3. Dispose of Waste Properly
  4. Leave What You Find
  5. Minimize Campfire Impacts
  6. Respect Wildlife
  7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors

Yall, these are not hard guidelines to follow. Each one is self explanatory and can majorly help the impact of damage caused. If you are not able to follow these guidelines, you should NOT be participating and enjoying the free gifts Mother Nature has given us. 

From one outdoor lover to another, please do your best to be respectful. These guidelines are very simple.

I believe that each one of us can do our tiny part to make this planet a better and safer place.

Enjoy the outdoors and leave no trace.