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My Go-To Camera & Wildlife Photography Gear

One of my absolute favorite things to do, while hiking, is snap photos. I have recently become obsessed with capturing still, beautiful moments. I thought it would be beneficial to all beginner and intermediate photographers to share a list of my go-to camera and wildlife photography gear.

(*Some may include affiliate links.)

Camera: I am truly in love with my Sony A6000. It is the perfect beginner mirrorless camera that can be grown into for years to come. Some of my favorite features are: Eye Autofocus, Image Stabilization, and Electronic Viewfinder. Also, the size is compact, depending on what lenses you use. It’s also perfect for travel. I use this camera for 90% of my photos. Sometimes, I use my iPhone, but the quality doesn’t compare. 

wildlife photography gear

Lenses: My current favorite lens is the Sony 35mm f1.8 Prime Fixed Lens. This is my go to lens with phenomenal quality. The size keeps the camera body compact and easy for on the go photography. Another lens I use is the original Sony 16-50mm f3.5-5.6 kit lens. This is a fantastic starter lens and helped me work through a lot of my beginner woes. The Sony 55-210mm is also great for zoomed in shots of flowers and cool finds on the trails.

Ring Light Tripod: This 8” Selfie Ring Light with Tripod is perfect for capturing photo worthy moments. This ring light has multiple settings and can help illuminate darker areas to capture the perfect shot. I know so many photographers that have invested in thousand+ dollar lighting setups, but this $31 set gets the job done. The tripod collapses, making it easy to throw in my backpack. It is powered by portable chargers, so make sure you have a few on deck. It also comes with a mini bluetooth remote to help take the perfect selfie shots. Totally worth the $31 investment. 

Vlogging Tripod: This tiny tripod is perfect for handheld vlogging. This miniature tripod is compatible for a camera or iPhone recording. It’s perfectly compact and fits easy into almost any day pack or on the go backpacking situation.

wildlife photography gear

Backpack: This is an updated version of the hiking backpack I use every day. I love that it’s lightweight and heavy duty at the same time. It has so many features and compartments for everything. I can use this for an afternoon of adventure or for even longer outings. It holds my Sony Camera Bag perfectly, filled with the camera body, travel lenses, extra memory cards, and back up batteries. This backpack really is perfect for all of my hiking and camera gear.

Camera Support Straps: These are new to my everyday photography life. I am quickly falling in love with the simplicity and benefits this brings to my everyday life. These straps alleviate neck and back strain, which is the main reason for this purchase! As a larger chested women, these come in super handy and make the photography experience so much better. The best part is, they hook right on to your backpack for easier access. Since this is a new product in my bag, I will continue to process and review this item in case of a change in thought. But, for right now, this is a keeper!

wildlife photography gear

Everyone’s style and budget will be different. Right now, these are my current favorites for wildlife photography gear. I hope that with time, I will advance my photography skills, purchase more lenses, and continue this journey.

Also, keep an eye out for upcoming outdoor photography challenges and giveaways! We have tons of exciting workshops happening in the near future, and I hope you consider entering and joining!

Lastly, I would love to hear what camera and wildlife photography gear you love. If you have a product that you constantly go to bat for, I want to know! I am always looking for the next best item. Happy snapping, Wanderers!
